Friday, June 12, 2009

Things We Take For Granted

I recently lost power at my home for the evening and realized, yet again, how much I love having power. It is mind boggling the things we do that require power. I found myself walking into a dark room and flipping the light switch, even though I knew the power was out. I could make a very long list of the things I could not do because I did not have power. It would include everything from cooking supper to taking a hot shower to enjoying air conditioning and light. We use power so much that we do not truly appreciate it until it is gone.
This made me begin thinking of other things we take for granted and do not realize it until they are gone. Transportation came to mind. We run and hop in the car to go somewhere all the time until we are stranded without a vehicle. Jobs are another example, especially in these difficult economic times. We may not always enjoy our job. All of us have had days that we wonder if we should just go home and maybe tomorrow will be better. But, without that job, the bills do not get paid and a once bumpy but happy life is now in great jeopardy. Unfortunately, friends and family may fall on that list of things we take for granted. We do not know what the next day or even the next hour holds for anyone of us, and we should never take our friends or family for granted. Tragedy can strike too quickly and then a loved one is gone, teaching us that every day is important.
Do we take our physical ability for granted? The ability to walk across the room, type a report, hear a bird sing, or see a beautiful rainbow are all certainly things that we often take for granted. My nephew has autism. He has difficulty with processing information, communicating, making friends, going to school. He is not alone. Thousands of children are affected by a disability. How many times do we take for granted the wonderful things the Lord has given to us? I am thankful for the opportunity to learn more about ways to help these children in my classroom.
Take a moment and stop and think. Are there other things we take for granted?


  1. You're completely right. We get so caught up in the stresses of our lives that we forget about the little things we have that others may not have. We often don't consider others and the difficulties that they might be going through in their lives. It's always good to be reminded of the wonderful things that we do have going for ourselves and to be made more aware of ways that we can help others to deal with their struggles. We have people that help us out in our lives all the time, and we need to be able to be there to help others.

  2. Isn't it amazing how sometimes we don't appreciate some things until we have to do without it? If I try to go on a diet, I'm suddenly craving all the foods that I don't usually eat. When we traveled across the country, I really missed my own bed and my own house but when I'm home, I'm always thinking there are better places to be. You are so right about appreciating the people in our lives. My dad will be 90 this year and I cherish every minute we can spend with him.

  3. I think it's so wonderful that you are making such deep realizations about the things we take for granted every single day. This kind of ephipany is rare in the professional world because we all tend to get caught up in the stresses of our personal lives. I think the understanding you have will allow you to connect to your students on a deeper level. (one that will make you more approachable in their eyes). This will lead to effective communication and the implementation of problem-solving strategies that are truly effective. Great post, great ideas!
